Costa Rica Tarrazu Coffee

Costa Rica Tarrazu Coffee
Intensely aromatic with a delicious winy essence that gives way to a smooth-tasting beverage with a clean finish, this coffee is truly delightful to the palate with absolutely no bitter aftertaste. This is the perfect coffee for those who don’t like their coffee too dark or too light; our Costa Rican coffee strikes a beautiful balance in between. Extraordinarily flavored, satisfying in taste, and high in quality, this gourmet coffee is so many good things rolled into one. Experience this great-tasting coffee that has garnered so many customers; order some today.

Grown in the Tres Rios region of Costa Rica, these Caturra coffee beans are grown at altitudes of at least 3900ft above sea level. Wet processed to tone down the acidity, this specialty coffee is sun dried to achieve its very own uniqueness in flavor. These gourmet coffee beans are classified as strictly hard bean; what this means is... read more >>
This gourmet coffee is medium-roasted, with a medium light body, and high acidity
Costa Rica Tarrazu Coffee
12oz Only $10.94
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Costa Rica Tarrazu Coffee (5lb Bag)
80oz Only $49.94
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Decaf Costa Rica Coffee
12oz Only $10.94
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Decaf Costa Rica Reserve Coffee (5lb Bag)
80oz Only $49.94
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