Espresso Verdi

Espresso Verdi
Smooth tasting and bursting with dark and full flavors, you値l enjoy everything about brewing Espresso Verdi Coffee. From the enticingly rich aroma to the decadent crema that is sure to crown every brewed shot of espresso, you値l experience one pleasure after another. A perfect way to start off your day, this bold-tasting espresso has a distinguished flavor that we池e sure you値l appreciate. Try our Espresso Verdi Coffee today!

This delicious coffee is a Seattle-style roast that is perfect for espressos, cappuccinos and lattes. Always roasted fresh and shipped to you immediately, we池e sure you値l enjoy the freshness of this whole-bean espresso. Try some today!
This gourmet espresso is dark roasted and heavy bodied, with medium acidity.
Espresso Verdi
12oz Only $10.94
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Espresso Verdi (5lb Bag)
80oz Only $49.94
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Decaf Espresso Verdi
12oz Only $10.94
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Decaf Espresso Verdi (5lb Bag)
80oz Only $54.94
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