India Malabar Coffee

India Malabar Coffee
This distinct tasting coffee is one of the best monsooned Arabicas that you値l ever taste. With a definite earthiness and an intense aromatic essence, this gourmet coffee is known for being mildly tangy with a soft and mellow flavor. Bound to become an instant favorite among those who enjoy the unique essence of monsooned coffee, there is perfection in every sip of this coffee.

Grown in the Kerala region of India, these Kents varietal coffee beans are grown at altitudes that range from 3,500 to 5,000 feet above sea level. To achieve the unique flavor for which it is so well loved, the hand harvested coffee beans are monsooned - a 16 week process in which the beans are exposed to damp and humid conditions causing them to become mildly fermented and yield a slightly musty flavor. Unorthodox, yet truly delicious, you値l love the unique and complex flavors of this... read more >>
This gourmet coffee is medium roasted, heavy bodied, and mildly acidic.
India Malabar Coffee
12oz Only $10.94
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India Malabar Coffee (5lb Bag)
80oz Only $49.94
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