Tanzania Peaberry Coffee

Tanzania Peaberry Coffee
Smooth tasting and rich in flavor, you’ll enjoy the subtle intricacies that each sip of Tanzania Peaberry Coffee will deliver to your taste buds. A perfect way to start off your day, don’t be surprised if you find yourself thinking about this coffee throughout the day. You’ll never brew one cup of bitter coffee with the Tanzania Peaberry Coffee. Lively and full bodied with an enticing aroma and a smooth, clean finish, you won’t be disappointed with this coffee; try it today!

Grown on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, these typica and arusha varietals are grown at altitudes that range from 2700–6400ft above sea level. The slopes of Kilimanjaro are rich with volcanic soil which nourishes the coffee trees and adds uniqueness to their flavor. The coffee trees are interplanted with banana trees, which act as shade trees that protect the cherries from excessive sunlight. Wet processed and... read more >>
This gourmet coffee is medium-light roasted, heavy bodied, and high in acidity.
Tanzania Peaberry Coffee
12oz Only $10.94
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Tanzania Peaberry Coffee (5lb Bag)
80oz Only $49.94
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